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Joining Trelay

We are currently looking for new members and have family sized properties becoming available in 2025 with asking prices in the range of 180 - 350k, as well as a holiday business for sale (sellable to residents only). If you think this might be the lifestyle for you, please read on to find out about our joining process...

Candy Cotton

Make Contact

The first step is to get in touch to let us know you are interested! We will reply asking you for some further information (you can speed things up by downloading and completing our initial question form - see the bottom of this page). If it seems like the timing and circumstances are right, we will invite you to visit Trelay. 

Interest Weekend

This is an event, usually held over a long weekend, where interested folk can stay with us and learn about our way of life. There will be the opportunity to join in with some practical activities, such as working in the vegetable garden, attend workshops about how we operate (including communication, finances, legal structure, values), and lots of yummy community meals! For further information, see our Events page. 

Further Visits

Once you have attended an Interest Weekend, both parties will have a better idea of whether we could be a good fit for each other. Several further visits then take place, usually over a period of a few months, so we can really get to know each other. It's helpful for potential members to experience farm life in different seasons - you need to be sure you can handle the mud and strong winds!

Trial Period

Once you are certain you would like to become a member, and once we are certain you are a good fit for the community, you will be invited to start a six month trial period. During this time you will live at Trelay (renting whichever property is available at the time) and join in with everything as if you were a full member of the community. There will be a three month and six month review before making the decision about whether to become a permanent resident and commit financially to becoming part of Trelay Cohousing. 

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